Mrs. Yung Cooking | 容太美食

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Sticky Rice Dumplings (Zong Zi)


Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu / 端午節) is around the corner. Time to celebrate with some Zong Zi! These Cantonese style savory Zong Zi (sticky rice dumpling, 咸肉粽) with fatty pork are super delicious. Give this recipe a try, you’ll never have store bought again.

Zong Zi or Zung (Cantonese), are consumed on Dragon Boat Festival. Depending on the region, there are many styles of ingredients and wrapping methods of Zong Zi. The more common Cantonese style Zong Zi are salted pork dumpling (咸肉粽) which is savory and lye water dumpling (碱水粽) which is sweet - these Zung are usually wrapped in an elongated pyramid shape.

You may have Zong Zi as is or dip them in sugar for a sweet and savory experience or soy sauce for an added umami punch.

Yield: 14-16 Zong Zi

1 lb fatty pork (pork belly)
2 lbs glutinous rice
1 lb dried mung beans
½ lb peanuts (raw, unsalted with skin)
½ cup small dried scallops
8 salted duck egg yolks cut in halves
Bamboo leaves (fresh or dried
Strings (Butcher’s Twine, 100% cotton)

Pork Marinade:
1 tbsp five spice
4 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp wine
1 tsp white pepper

Rice Seasoning:
1 ½ tbsp salt
1 ½ tbsp sugar
1 tsp chicken powder (bouillon) 
¼ cup oil

Mung Bean Seasoning:
2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp chicken powder (bouillon)
2 tbsp oil


  1. Rinse, pat dry and cube pork belly into 1-2 inches. Mix well with marinade ingredients and marinate for 8 hours.

  2. Wash and drain peanuts. Set aside.

  3. Wash glutinous rice, mung beans, and scallops in separate bowls. Soak ingredients for 3 hours. Drain and mix seasoning into each, let marinate.

  4. Depending on the choice of bamboo leaves.

    Fresh: Wash and cut both ends of the leaves.

    Dried: Use around 2 tbsp of oil in boiling water, then boil dried bamboo leaves until soft (10-15 minutes). Cut both ends of the leaves.

  5. Zong Zi assembly (refer to video or image below). 

    Layering ingredients in the bamboo leaf wrapper.

    Layer 1: Glutinous rice
    Layer 2: Mung Bean
    Layer 3: Pork Belly
    Layer 4: Scallops
    Layer 5: Peanuts
    Layer 6: Salted Egg Yolks
    Layer 7: Mung Bean
    Layer 8: Glutinous rice

    Then fold in the sides of the wrapper. Wrap and tie Zong Zi with cotton strings.

  6. Cooking Method:

    Instant Pot (InstaPot): Place Zong Zi into a pot and fill with water until all Zong Zi. Use the “Pressure Cook” option and set for 30 minutes. Let the pot cool off on it’s own until all pressure is gone (no need to let it vent).

    Stove Top: Place Zong Zi in a deep pot. Add water, enough to cover all Zong Zi. Bring to a boil in high heat. Once boiling, use medium heat and let cook for 2 ½ hours. Turn off heat and let it rest in the pot until water is cooled off.


  • Making Zong Zi takes about 2 days, due to ingredient prep and cooking time.

  • May replace dried scallops with dried shrimp.

  • Using fatty pork for Zong Zi makes them more flavourful. Fat IS Flavour :)

  • For convenience and aesthetic, Mrs. Yung suggests vacuumed pack bamboo leaves. The leaves are firmer and flexible with a more appealing fresh green colour. The product is still relatively new, depending on the region you are from, you might be able to find them. You may find vacuumed packed bamboo leaves can be found at T&T Supermarkets (Toronto).

  • Recipe yields 14-16 Zong Zi, each Zong Zi uses 4 leaves. Will need about 64 leaves. Depending on the brand, 1-2 packs of bamboo leaves would be sufficient. Better get more for emergency gifting since Zong Zi are common as gifts amongst family and friends.

  • When tying Zong Zi, use 100% cotton strings, also known as Butcher’s Twine and Cooking Twine. Safe for high heat.

  • To speed cooking in an instant pot, pour boiling water to cover Zong Zi.

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When wrapping Zong Zi, it’s okay if they do not look perfect. Just need to make sure they are wrapped tight and ingredients are not leaking. 

包粽子的時候,看起來不完美也沒關係。 只需要確保它們被緊緊包裹並且成分沒有洩漏。

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這些鹹肉粽配肥肉超級好吃。 試試這個食譜,你再也不會在商店買了。

屈服:14-16 粽子



鹽1 1/2湯匙
糖1 1/2湯匙



  1. 腩肉洗淨抹干水份切件,加入醃料撈匀醃8小時。

  2. 小瑶柱洗淨。

  3. 糯米,綠豆分別洗浄用水浸3小時,滴乾水份分別加入醃撈勻。

  4. 粽葉放入滾水煮過,剪去頭尾洗凈。

  5. 將粽葉做成三角形,放入少許糯米,加綠豆,腩肉,瑶柱花生,咸旦黃,再放綠豆,糯米,包摺成粽形用繩紮實,全部做妥。

  6. 煮方法

(a) 爐灶 (Stove Top): 放入深煲加過面清水煲滾,轉中火煮2,1/2小時,熄火焗至水凍即成。

(b) 數字壓力鍋 (Instant Pot): 亦可用壓力煲,煮30分鐘後至水暧,才可以取出。


  • 煮粽時途中,水少要添加滾水。

  • 如不用瑤柱可改用蝦米。

  • 包粽子的時候,看起來不完美也沒關係。 只需要確保它們被緊緊包裹並且成分沒有洩漏。

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