Mrs. Yung Cooking | 容太美食

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Crispy Oatmeal Cookies


If you’re team crispy, these oatmeal raisin cookies are definitely for you. Even so, team soft and chewy might even convert after trying these out.

This oatmeal walnut raisin cookies recipe is temptingly crispy, airy and light. Melts in your mouth good, combined with the chew of raisin complimented with the nice nutty walnut flavour. Bet you can’t have just one. Pair or dunk them with your favourite drink, it’s a match made in heaven. We suggest Hong Kong style milk tea.

110g of salted butter
100g of white sugar
½ an egg
½ tsp vanilla extract
100g oatmeal (quick oats)
40g chopped walnuts
50g dried raisins
½ tbsp evaporated milk
20 walnut halves

Dry Ingredients:
100g All Purpose Flour
⅙ tsp Baking Powder
⅛ tsp Baking Soda


  1. Sieve all purpose flour, baking soda and baking powder together into a bowl.

  2. In another bowl, add room temperature salted butter, sugar and beat with egg beater for 2 minutes until mixture is a milky white colour. Add in egg, vanilla extract and mix well.

  3. Add dried ingredients, oatmeal into butter mix and mix well. Then add raisins, chopped walnuts and mix well. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

  4. Line a baking tray with teflon sheets or parchment paper. Divide dough into about 1 tablespoon each, which yields 20. Form and pack dough into disk shape. Apply walnut halves on top of each disk.

  5. Preheat the oven at 350°F and bake cookies for 25 minutes until golden brown. Once done, remove and let cool before serving.

Recipe yields 20 cookies. Sizing will adjust quantities.

  • We suggest using Teflon Sheets for baking. If you’re using parchment paper, apply a light layer of oil before applying cookie dough.

  • Teflon Sheets (Not affiliated, we do not get endorsement)

    These sheets can be found on Amazon in packs. Feel free to share them with friends. 

  • Depending on the size of your oven, bake time may vary due to the distance of the elements. Adjust accordingly. Mrs. Yung used a large convection oven in the video.

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這個燕麥曲奇食譜非常酥脆。 入口即化,葡萄乾的甜和核桃味道鮮美。

麥片 (Quick Oats) 100克

麵粉100克 All Purpose Flour 
發粉 1/6茶匙 Baking Powder
蘇打粉 1/8茶匙 Baking Soda


  1. 麺粉,發粉,梳打粉同篩匀。

  2. 牛油加糖用機打2分鐘至奶白色,加旦打片刻,放入香油淡奶打勻。

  3. 加入粉料,麥片攪勻最後加提子,合桃碎攪至均勻,放入雪櫃雪1小時。

  4. 焗盆放上牛油纸,將粉糰分成每個約1湯匙份量,放在牛油紙上做成園餅形,將每粒合桃略按入餅上。

  5. 放入預熱焗爐用350°F,焗25分鐘焗至金黃色取出,放鉄𣕧上待凉即成。


  • 食譜 - 20個餅乾

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