Mrs. Yung Cooking | 容太美食

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Coconut Tarts Hong Kong Style


If you enjoy coconut, these Hong Kong style coconut tarts are packed with a delicious sweet buttery flavour. This recipe is an easy and convenient to make at home version. A traditional snack that’s served at Hong Kong style cafes and bakeries. These popular local snacks have been a staple for many years in Hong Kong culture, usually found next to egg tarts and chicken tarts.

In this recipe, we skip making our own pie crust and go straight to some good old ready made frozen tart shells for convenience. Yes, Mrs. Yung likes to save time and some elbow grease in cleaning up. You can purchase these in the frozen isle and are sold in a box or a stack - depending on brand. For convenience, these tart shells are a great option to keep in the freezer.

12 tart shells (ready to use tart shells)
A few maraschino (also known as candied cherries / cocktail cherries)

100g sugar
30g melted butter
2 eggs
80g milk
½ tsp vanilla extract
200g unsweetened shredded coconut
15g cornstarch
8g custard powder
½ tsp baking powder


  1. In a large bowl add sugar, butter, fresh milk and eggs and mix well.

  2. Add coconut shreds, cornstarch, custard powder, baking powder and vanilla extract - mix well.

  3. Straight from the freezer, evenly spread out portion of coconut mix into 12 tart shells. Cut each maraschino into four pieces. Place in the center and on top of each tart. 

  4. Preheat the oven at 375°F and bake tarts for 20 minutes until golden. Let cool before serving.


  • This recipe is an easy version and does not require cooking coconut filling over the stove. 

  • For those who would like a more moist and sticky filling, try adding a little bit more milk and butter. 

For those who would like to make tart and pie dough from scratch, here’s a step by step recipe with detail explanation by Sally Chiu. She’s a talented confectionery chef. Her channel, Bite and Chiu features some really professional delicious sweets!

Bite and Chiu: How To Make Flaky Pie Dough

Fun Fact:
Hong Kong style coconut tarts were originally served at what is now known as Hong Kong style cafe. You can find these right next to egg or chicken tarts. These snacks have been a main staple as part of Hong Kong’s culture for many years. Originally these cafes are called Ice Houses (冰室) and gradually called Tea Houses (茶餐廳) or as we know it HK style cafes. HK style cafe used to serve simple snacks and specialty drinks - similar to the concept of Taiwanese Bubble Tea cafe. These shops are usually crowded around 3-4pm for that’s the famous time for a little snack break from work.

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港式椰撻 [簡易食譜]


撻殼12個 (西人超市有售)

香油半茶匙 (vanilla extract)
吉士粉8克 Custard Powder
發粉半茶匙 Baking Powder


  1. 先將砂糖,牛油,鷄旦鮮奶,放入大鍋內攪勻。

  2. 然後加椰絲,粟粉,吉士粉,發粉,香油,攪至均勻。

  3. 撻殼不用解凍,將揶𢇁料分放撻殼內9分満,上放1小粒車厘子。

  4. 放入預熱焗爐内用375°F 焗約20分鐘,焗至面金黃色即成。


  • 這個食譜是簡單的版本,不需要在爐上煮椰子餡。 

  • 對於那些想要更濕潤質地的餡,嘗試添加一點牛奶和牛油。

對於那些想學如何製作餅皮。 我們的朋友 Sally Chiu 是一位才華橫溢的糕點師。在她的視頻中,Sally 教如何製作餅皮。

Bite and Chiu: How To Make Flaky Pie Dough

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