Mrs. Yung Cooking | 容太美食

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Egg Custard Coconut Sticky Rice Cake


A Chinese New Year snack that is sweet, chewy and stretchy. If that sounds like it’s up your alley, you’d be surprised at how easy it is to make at home. A perfect sweet and salty combination - subtle sweet coconut, complemented with the unique deliciousness of salted egg. 

Every year, our family shares this mochi (sticky rice) cake on the first day of Chinese New Year. As a symbol of good luck with prosperity. The phrase 步步高陞 (Bo Bo Go Sing), is a play on the word 高 (cake) which means raising up the ranks at work or in life in general.

This year we wish to extend these good luck golden bars of Egg Custard Coconut Mochi Cake (sticky rice cake), with you and your family. Wishing everyone a sweet, healthy, and prosperous new year.


Egg Paste:
4 salted egg yolk
2 tbsp wine

320g sugar
375 ml water

400g glutinous rice flour (1 package)
70g of wheat starch
4 tbsp custard powder
2 tbsp Condensed milk
250 ml coconut milk
3 tbsp oil (vegetable, avocado or nut oil)

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  1. Combine 2 tbsp wine with salted egg yolks. Steam for 10 minutes in high heat (steam oven 300°F). Let cool then mash for later use.

  2. In medium high heat dissolve white sugar in water fully. Set aside and let cool for later use.

  3. In a bowl, sieve glutinous rice flour and wheat starch together. Add cooled syrup along with coconut milk and stir well until smooth. Pour mixture through a sieve into another bowl to further smooth out the mixture. 

  4. Add in condensed milk, mashed salted eggs and oil, then mix well until uniform.

  5. Pour mixture in an oiled pan. Steam with a water filled pan and steam for 1 hour and 10 minutes (70 minutes).


  • Make sure to add water to the pan below the cake pan. Refill when necessary.

  • You can find salted egg yolks readily for use without the hassle in separating or storing the egg whites. They are usually placed in the fridge section in most Chinese Supermarket.

  • Salted eggs are usually referencing salted duck eggs.

These egg custard sticky rice cakes are usually served hot or warm. Pan frying, toaster oven, lightly baking or microwave will get these cakes soft and chewy again. We do suggest pan frying. It gives the stick rice cake a light crispy caramelized exterior and a gooey, stretchy inside. So good!

Store them in the fridge to keep longer or even freeze them for later enjoyment.

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奶皇椰汁年糕 : 新年食品

奶皇椰汁年糕,一種新年小吃。 甜鹹的完美結合,淡淡的椰香,再加上鹹蛋的獨特美味。這欵年糕好香,好食。2016年 我教學生,她們好鐘意,希望你們喜歡。



糯米粉1包 | 400克



  1. 咸旦黃加酒2湯匙, 蒸10分鐘,蒸熟搓成茸留用。

  2. 砂糖加水煮溶畄用。

  3. 糯米粉,吉士粉澄麵,篩匀放入深盆中,加入己冷 糖水椰汁攪勻,攪至沒粉粒,用篩隔過。

  4. 加入練奶,咸旦黃茸及生油攪至均勻。

  5. 放入已搽油糕盆內,隔水蒸1小時10分鐘,蒸至糕熟即成。


  • 蒸糕其間要畄意加水,用筷子 挿入糕裏取出,不沾粉漿即全熟。可取岀煎至金黃色食用。

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