Mrs. Yung Cooking | 容太美食

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Snow Skin Mooncake


Mid Autumn Festival, 中秋節, is around the corner. Let's celebrate by making some easy to make at home Snow Skin Mooncakes. These sticky rice dough wrapped balls of sweetness make perfect desserts in celebrating the day of prosperous harvest while enjoying the most beautiful night of the full moon.

You may use different filling for Snow Skin also known as Ice Skin Mooncakes.

These treats are best served cold. Snow Skin Mooncakes can last in a tightly sealed container in the fridge for about a week.

The following recipe is for Snow Skin
For the Taro Filling visit:

60 g Glutinous rice flour
60 g Rice flour
30 g Wheat starch
60 g Sugar
200 g 2% Milk
30 g Condensed milk
15 g Oil

Working Use:
70 g Glutinous rice flour


  1. In a bowl, with glutinous rice flour, rice flour, wheat starch and sugar - slowly add in milk and stir. Add oil and condensed milk and mix well. Sieve mixture into another bowl to remove lumps. Pour into a well oiled ceramic bowl, cover with plastic wrap.

  2. Steam over high heat for 25-30 minutes until solidified.

  3. Let steamed dough cool off then knead dough. Kneading it gives dough more structure and stretchy texture. Bag dough with a zip lock bag, seal and let sit for 5 hours before use.

  4. Low heat, cook 70 g glutinous rice flour. Repeatedly stir flour in a pan. Cook flour until slightly off white in colour and set aside. 

  5. Measurements for the following:

    • 35 g filling

    • 25 g dough

    Use a bit of cooked flour on the working surface. 

    • Roll dough and divide into 25 g each. 

    • Roll filling, and divide into 35 g each. 

    Roll the dough balls into small circular shaped wraps. Wrap wrappers around filling. At the opening, pinch dough to close the wrapper. Place each wrapped ball into the mooncake mold, closure facing out, press firmly into mold and press mooncakes out.


  • Use cooked glutinous rice flour to help dough from sticking to hands and the working surface.

  • After steaming, it is important to let the solidified mixture cool completely before handling. 

  • Leaving dough in a zip tight bag will allow dough to retain moisture. Keep the dough sealed and covered as much as you can.

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中秋節,即將來臨。 讓我們通過在家製作一些容易的冰皮月餅來慶祝。享受最美麗的月圓之夜的完美甜點。






  1. 糯米粉,粘米粉,澄麺,同放大碗中,加鮮奶才覺勻,再加生油練奶攪至混合隔過篩,倒入已搽油深碟中。

  2. 用大火隔水蒸25至30分鐘。

  3. 取出凍後搓成1軟粉糰,放入膠袋包密停放5小時後用。

  4. 糯米粉放入昜潔鑊,慢火炒至微黃色做熟粉用。


    • 芋茸饀要35g

    • 皮要25g

  5. 餅皮搌萡,包密芋茸,餅模灑入熟粉,將冰皮月餅放入餅模按實,然後將餅按出,即成1美味賀節佳品。

  • 使用煮熟的糯米粉幫助麵團不粘手和工作表面。

  • 蒸完後,重要的是讓混合物在處理前完全冷卻。

  • 將麵團放在拉鍊密封袋中可以讓麵團保持水分。 盡可能保持麵團密封和覆蓋。

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